Hi Guys one thing unique to human beings is the spoken language. Everyday we communicate so much through various languages, during this time of crises and global pandemic everybody is in home quarantine, but that should not stop you from learning new things. I have sorted a few common words, phrases we say when we meet or introduce ourselves. Happy learning guys.
I have also mentioned Sanskrit which is our native language and it is also known as the language of gods. It is the second oldest language to be spoken in the world. Nowadays many countries are teaching their children sanskrit. Hope it also gets inculcated in syllabus as a subject for children.
Words & Phrases
1. Hello
2. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening ….
3.. How are you
4. What’s your name
5. It was nice meeting You
6. Thank You
7. Welcome
8. Excuse Me
9. Yes
10. No
11. See ya
12. Have a Nice day
1. Hello
2. Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening ….
3.. How are you
4. What’s your name
5. It was nice meeting You
6. Thank You
7. Welcome
8. Excuse Me
9. Yes
10. No
11. See ya
12. Have a Nice day
How Other Language People Says Hello, good morning & so on
English : Hello
Hindi : namaste
French : bonjour
Spanish : hola
German : Hallo
Russian : oreol
Arabic: marhabaan
Portuguese : ola
Hindi : namaste
French : bonjour
Spanish : hola
German : Hallo
Russian : oreol
Arabic: marhabaan
Portuguese : ola
Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night
English : Good Morning/Afternoon/Evening/Night
Hindi : suprabhaat/dopahar/ sandhya/ raatri
French : bonjour/bon après-midi/bonsoir/bonne nuit
Spanish : buenos dias/ buenas tardes/ buenas tardes/buenas noches
German : Guten Morgen/ Guten Tag/ Guten Abend/ Gute Nacht
Russian : dobroye utro/dobryy den’/ dobryy vecher/ spokoynoy nochi
Arabic: sabah alkhyr/ masa’ alkhayr/ masa’ alkhayr/ tusbih ealaa khayr
Portuguese : bom dia/ Presença à tarde/ Presença à noite/Noite de presença
Hindi : suprabhaat/dopahar/ sandhya/ raatri
French : bonjour/bon après-midi/bonsoir/bonne nuit
Spanish : buenos dias/ buenas tardes/ buenas tardes/buenas noches
German : Guten Morgen/ Guten Tag/ Guten Abend/ Gute Nacht
Russian : dobroye utro/dobryy den’/ dobryy vecher/ spokoynoy nochi
Arabic: sabah alkhyr/ masa’ alkhayr/ masa’ alkhayr/ tusbih ealaa khayr
Portuguese : bom dia/ Presença à tarde/ Presença à noite/Noite de presença
How are you
English : How are you
Hindi : aap kaise hain
French : Comment allez vous
Spanish : Como estas
German : Wie geht es dir
Russian : Kak ty
Arabic: kayf halik
Portuguese : Como vai
Hindi : aap kaise hain
French : Comment allez vous
Spanish : Como estas
German : Wie geht es dir
Russian : Kak ty
Arabic: kayf halik
Portuguese : Como vai
Whats your name
English : Whats your name
Hindi : apka naam kya hai?
French : Quel est ton nom
Spanish : Cual es tu nombre
German : Wie heißt du?
Russian : Kak tebya zovut
Arabic: ma aismak
Portuguese : Qual é o seu nome
Hindi : apka naam kya hai?
French : Quel est ton nom
Spanish : Cual es tu nombre
German : Wie heißt du?
Russian : Kak tebya zovut
Arabic: ma aismak
Portuguese : Qual é o seu nome
It was nice meeting You
English : It was nice meeting You
Hindi : aapse milkar achha laga
French :C’était sympa de te rencontrer
Spanish : Fue un placer conocerte
German : Es war schön, Sie kennen zu lernen
Russian : Bylo priyatno s toboy vstretit’sya
Arabic: kan latifana liqayikum
Portuguese : Foi bom conhecê-lo
Hindi : aapse milkar achha laga
French :C’était sympa de te rencontrer
Spanish : Fue un placer conocerte
German : Es war schön, Sie kennen zu lernen
Russian : Bylo priyatno s toboy vstretit’sya
Arabic: kan latifana liqayikum
Portuguese : Foi bom conhecê-lo
Thank You
English: Thank You
Hindi: aapaka dhanyavaad
French :Je vous remercie
Spanish: Gracias
Arabic : shukraan lak
Portuguese : Obrigado
Hindi: aapaka dhanyavaad
French :Je vous remercie
Spanish: Gracias
Arabic : shukraan lak
Portuguese : Obrigado
English: Welcome
Hindi: svaagat
French : Bienvenue
Spanish: Bienvenido
Arabic : mrhbana
Portuguese : Bem-vindo
Hindi: svaagat
French : Bienvenue
Spanish: Bienvenido
Arabic : mrhbana
Portuguese : Bem-vindo
Excuse Me
English: Excuse Me
Hindi: kshama keejiy
French : Excusez-moi
Spanish: Disculpe
German: Entschuldigung
Russian: Izvini menya
Arabic : efu
Portuguese : Com licença
Hindi: kshama keejiy
French : Excusez-moi
Spanish: Disculpe
German: Entschuldigung
Russian: Izvini menya
Arabic : efu
Portuguese : Com licença
English: Yes
Hindi: haan
French : oui
Spanish: si
German: ja
Russian: da
Arabic : nem
Portuguese : sim
Hindi: haan
French : oui
Spanish: si
German: ja
Russian: da
Arabic : nem
Portuguese : sim
English: No
Hindi: nahi
French : non
Spanish: no
German: nein
Russian: нет
Arabic : la
Portugese : não
Hindi: nahi
French : non
Spanish: no
German: nein
Russian: нет
Arabic : la
Portugese : não
See ya
English: See ya
Hindi: phir milte hain
French : A bientôt
Spanish: Nos vemos
German: Wir sehen uns
Russian: Uvidimsya
Arabic : anzur ya
Portuguese : Até mais
Hindi: phir milte hain
French : A bientôt
Spanish: Nos vemos
German: Wir sehen uns
Russian: Uvidimsya
Arabic : anzur ya
Portuguese : Até mais
Have a Nice day
English: Have a Nice day
Hindi: aapka din shubh ho
French : Passez une bonne journée
Spanish: Que tengas un buen día
German: Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag
Russian: Khoroshego dnya
Arabic : ’atamanaa lak naharana saeidaan
Portuguese : Tenha um bom dia
Hindi: aapka din shubh ho
French : Passez une bonne journée
Spanish: Que tengas un buen día
German: Ich wünsche Ihnen einen schönen Tag
Russian: Khoroshego dnya
Arabic : ’atamanaa lak naharana saeidaan
Portuguese : Tenha um bom dia
To Listen Pronunciation You can simply Use this Link and just type For eg “Hello” word and select language which ever you like to listen or learn And here you go
- https://translate.google.co.in/#view=home&op=tr...
- https://translate.google.co.in/#view=home&op=tr...
To Learn In Detail You Can just Visit the Below Links Or Check out the Videos. I have provided both free & Paid Links which ever you feel more useful can go for it
English is a West Germanic language that was first spoken in early medieval England and eventually became a global lingua franca

If you want to learn More Can go with this Paid course
Hindi is the most commonly spoken language in India. Hindi developed from Sanskrit, the ancient language of India.

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If you want to learn More Can go for this Paid courses
French is a Romance language of the Indo-European family. It descended from the Vulgar Latin of the Roman Empire, as did all Romance languages.

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If you want to learn More Can go for this Paid course
Spanish or Castilian is a Romance Language that originated in the Iberian Peninsula and today has over 483 million native speakers, mainly in Spain and the Americans

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German is a West Germanic Language that is mainly spoken in Central Eurpoe. It is the most widely spoken and official or co-official language in Germany, Autria, Switzerland, South Tyrol in Italy, the German-speaking Community of Belgium, and Liechtenstein.

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Russian is an East Slavic language , which is an official language in Russia, Belarus, Kazakhstan & Kyrgyzstan, as well as being widely used throughout Eastern Europe, the Baltic states, the Caucasus and Central Asia.

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Arabic is usually ranked among the top six of the world’s major languages. As the language of the Qur’an, the holy book of Islam, it is also widely used throughout the Muslim world.

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Portuguese is an Indo-European Romance language and the official language of Portugal. Portuguese is used in several other countries, which have had contact with Portugal over the years.

Learn Portuguese For Free
- https://www.udemy.com/course/3-minute-portugues...
- https://my.babbel.com/en/lesson-player/RUS/9395...?
- https://my.babbel.com/en/lesson-player/RUS/9395...?
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Second most Ancient language. ( Any Idea which is the most ancient language?)
Sanskrit (संस्कृतम्) Sanskrit is the classical language of Indian and the liturgical language of Hinduism, Buddhism, and Jainism. It is also one of the 22 official languages of India. The name Sanskrit means “refined”, “consecrated” and “sanctified”.

Learn Sanskrit For Free
- FREE Registration : https://sanskrit.today/free-online-sanskrit-cl....
- https://sanskrit.today/course/sanskrit-beginner...
- https://my.babbel.com/en/lesson-player/RUS/9395...?
- https://sanskrit.today/course/sanskrit-beginner...
- https://my.babbel.com/en/lesson-player/RUS/9395...?
Get More With Paid Sanskrit Language Course
Youtube Which i felt its nicely presented so can try : There are 25 – 30 exercises
Please do share your views and again happy learning to those who want to learn new things
Source Credit Top 10 Most Spoken Language in World Said by
1. fluentin3months
2. Language Brief from Wikipedia
1. fluentin3months
2. Language Brief from Wikipedia
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